Using GestioIP
Adding a new network and allowing sync
Adding a new network and allowing sync
- Once you are logged into the web server for GestioIP, select the "networks" tab and then select "new"
- Define the new network with the parameters you want then select "create"
- Once the network is created, go back to the "networks" tab and select "change/delete"
- Select the networks you wish to allow automatic sync on, then on the bottom of the page, select "edit" then "sync" then "mass update"
- Once you select "mass update", check the "sync" box on the next page and select "change".
Updating Host names
Updating Host names
- On the GestioIP server, run the following command to update all entries in the web server.
- On the web server, choose a network you want to update a hostname for.
- Press the edit button on the right of the IP address you wish to edit.
- Enter the host-name, description, site and device category then click "change".
Backing up GestioIP Database
Backing up GestioIP Database
- Run the following command to backup the GestioIP database.
mysqldump -u root -p gestioip --result-file=backup_gestioip.sql
- Run the following command to recover the GestioIP database.
mysql -u root -p gestioip < backup_gestioip.sql