Open Firewall
Open Firewall
Open the firewall using the following command.
firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-port=80/tcp ; firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-port=53/tcp ; firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-port=67-69/udp ; firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-port=80/tcp ; firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-port=443/tcp ; firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-port=3000/tcp ; firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-port=3306/tcp ; firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-port=5910-5930/tcp ; firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-port=5432/tcp ; firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-port=8140/tcp ; firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-port=8443/tcp ; firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-port=5647/tcp ; firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-port=9090/tcp ; firewall-cmd --permanent \
--add-service=ftp ; \
firewall-cmd --reload
Configuring repositories and installing Foreman
Configuring repositories and installing Foreman
Install the following repos and install foreman and katello
yum -y localinstall
yum -y localinstall
yum -y localinstall
yum -y localinstall
yum -y install foreman-release-scl
yum -y update
yum -y install katello
Reboot the machine
After the machine has rebooted, disable SELinux and run the foreman installer with the katello option.
Setenforce 0
foreman-installer --scenario katello
Listed on the screen is the web address for the foreman server along with the username and password. Be sure to change this password once logged on.
[root@foreman ~]# foreman-installer --scenario katello
Installing Done [100%] [...........................................]
* Katello is running at
Initial credentials are admin / AB4mBPtaLC6nmFJw
Once the installation is complete, run the following command.
puppet agent --test