Installing GestioIP
Installing Prerequisites
Installing Prerequisites
- Update the server and install the EPEL repository.
yum -y install epel-release
yum -y update
- Install the following applications needed for GestioIP. Then start and enable httpd and mariadb.
yum -y install httpd mod_perl mariadb mariadb-server make gcc netsnmp net-snmp-utils wget checkpolicy policycoreutils-python
systemctl start httpd
systemctl enable httpd
systemctl start mariadb
systemctl enable mariadb
- Start the MySQL installation
- Press "Enter" when it asks for the current root password because there is none.
- Press "Y" to set the root password.
- Press "Y" to remove anonymous users.
- Press "Y" to disallow root login remotely.
- Press "Y" to remove the test database.
- Press "Y" to reload privilege table.
Installing GestioIP
Installing GestioIP
- Go into the "opt" directory and download GestioIP
cd /opt
tar zxvf gestioip_3.4.tar.gz
cd /opt/gestioip_3.4/
- Enter yes to install GestioIP on this computer.
- Keep pressing "Enter" until it asks you if "Do you wish that the setup installs the missing Perl Modules now", select "Yes"
- Allow the setup to install requires MIBs.
- Keep pressing "Enter" until it asks you "Which should be the user to access to GestioIP".
- Enter "root"
- Copy the following command to a new terminal and execute it.
sudo /usr/bin/htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/users-gestioip root
- Keep pressing "Enter" until the installation is complete.
- Once the installation is complete, restart the httpd service and open the firewall ports for the web server.
firewall-cmd --add-port=80/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --add-port=443/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
systemctl restart httpd
- Now point your brower to "http://<server-ip>/gestioip/install
- Enter "" for both the "Web Server Address" and the "Mysql server address" since they are located on the same server.
- Enter the password for the super user created earlier.
- Set the "Mysql" user to be "root" and give it the default root password.
- Enter the sites and network categories to be used.
- Run the following command on the GestioIP server.
rm -r /var/www/html/gestioip/install
- Edit the database parameters to allow GestioIP to automatically update the DNS entries.
vim /usr/share/gestioip/etc/ip_update_gestioip.conf
- Change the "user_gestioip" parameter to be "root" and change the "pass_gestioip" parameter to be the root password.
- Point your browser to "http://<server-ip>/gestioip" to begin using GestioIP.